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Current Courses

Providing Everything You Need, Free of Cost

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App Development and Machine Learning Projects

A Step Ahead has partnered with Aries FTC to bring this
interactive course to your fingertips! Students will develop their own mobile app or machine learning project that targets real-world issues—from food shortages to medical misdiagnosis. After programming, students will have the opportunity to publish their projects to the App Store or Google Play Store.

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How do lights, electric sharpeners, and ceiling fans work? In this interactive lesson, attendees will learn about electron flow, anodes and cathodes, and the various types of circuits integrated in everyday items. Students will gain a better understanding of the world around them and build an introductory foundation in electrical engineering.

Data Science Basics

Learn the foundations of data science, machine learning, and statistics! In this course, students will collaborate on creative machine learning projects and complete data science challenges.

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Introduction to FTC Robotics

Through this workshop, students familiarize themselves with one of the world's largest robotics competitions: First Tech Challenge (FTC). A panel from the award-winning robotics team Aries FTC explains how the design process, team formation, chassis construction, journaling, fundraising, and more!

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Hands-on Robotics!

Join A Step Ahead and Aries FTC to investigate the process of designing, constructing, and programming robots. Collaborate in teams to solve thrilling hardware and software challenges!

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Intro to HTML and CSS

 HTML and CSS are languages used to program and create websites. Join A Step Ahead for a completely free course that teaches the basics of HTML and CSS and guides students through creating their own sample website project.

Python for Beginners

Python is a computer programming language used for building websites, automating tasks, and data analysis. Python is a great place to start if you want to get into coding. A Step Ahead invites middle and high school students Grades 6+ to learn the basics of python! No previous programming experience is required.


Intro to Scratch Coding

A Step Ahead invites elementary school students Grades K-4 to join us for a Scratch coding lesson. Learn the basics of block coding and create your very own game!

Coding, Robotics, and Science Opportunities

Many K-8 Students and Families are unaware of the various activities, competitions, and courses that students can participate in during their elementary and middle school years. We invite all families in Grades K-8 to learn more about these activities that are available to them, including their pricing and schedule.

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Introduction to Chemistry

Launch rockets, draw chemical paintings, and even make your lava lamps—while learning the chemistry behind these marvels! A Step Ahead’s “Introduction to Chemistry” session explores concepts including chemical reactions, surface tension, and density, through such hands-on, collaborative activities and experiments. Students will walk away with strengthened interest/understanding of chemistry and how it plays out in the real world—along with their take-home projects!

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Cell Biology

Cell biology is one of the most complex topics surrounding the human body. In this course, students will learn concepts from cell composition to cell components. The A Step Ahead team will also guide students through creating their cutout cell project.

What is STEM?

In this fun and interactive class, students will explore their interests in various STEM fields. The goal? To expose the next generation to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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